Thankful for Children Helping Children @ Haitian Outreach!
Anne DiMartino is a well-known face around the city of Fitchburg. She worked for the Dept. of Social Services for many years and was and is a great advocate for those less fortunate in the local community.
Anne is retired now, but still keeps her finger on the pulse of the city. This summer she noticed there were a few young folks in her neighborhood who might be able to use their time to work on a project. She had donated summer clothing to Haitian Outreach and become familiar with the mission to “educate children in Haiti”.
She banded the little group together and gave them a project. They began to ask for help in the name of the children in Haiti in the Haitian Outreach program. (Haitian Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit in Fitchburg working locally and thinking globally.) They solicited for 2 months during the summer and then delivered their donations to Haitian Outreach, located in the church hall of St. Bernard at St. Camillus church.
Great Job All!
From left to right: Daniel, Malachi, Austin, Aspin, Audrey & Trinity
Trinity, Audrey & Aspin prepare and separate out the items to deliver to Haitian Outreach!
Haitian Outreach Fall Update
The environment in Haiti continues to be very turbulent. Gangs block the roads and oil and gas tankers cannot get in to fill pumps at the stations. Because of this, people are not able to get basic supplies and travel to work.
The gangs have been kidnapping anyone that they think may be traveling through the country and they can get a ranson from their families. Please pray for the safety and security of our sisters and our students who attend school in Port au Prince. Our hearts go out to them each and every day!
More information will be coming in our next newsletter.